IPRight Management B2B API

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Designs Resources

The IPRight Management B2B API allows you to:

  • File a Designs new application request (all Category types)
  • Search for Australian Designs IP Right numbers for transactional purposes
  • Retrieve basic IP Right details for Australian Designs for transactional purposes
  • Validate transactions (POST requests)
  • Renew Australian Designs

The IPRight Management B2B API includes the following Designs related resources:

Name Description Method
Search for Designs Search for Australian Designs using various query parameters GET
Get Design Application Details Retrieve basic details of an Australian Design GET
Renew Design Renew an Australian Registered Design POST

Transaction Flow

The process flow diagram below is an example of how to use different endpoints to renew an Australian Design:



"Customer" would like to renew 3 Australian Design Registrations.

Step 1.

"Customer" knows 1 of their Design Numbers (IDs) '201900001' but is unsure what the remaining 2 Design Numbers (IDs) are.

Request) The GET Search for Designs endpoint is used to search for the 2 unknown Design numbers (IDs) using various query parameters.

Response) IP Australia returns a response with a list of Design numbers (IDs) and details matching the search parameters used.

Result) The 2 unknown Design numbers (IDs) have now been discovered and confirmed '201900002' and '201900003'.

Step 2.

"Customer" would like to confirm Design Number '201900001' is correct with IP Australia.

Request) The GET Get Design Application Details endpoint is used to request Design details for Design Number '201900001'

Response) IP Australia returns a response containing the Design details of Design Number '201900001'.

Result) The Design details of Design Number '201900001' are now confirmed.

Step 3.

"Customer" would like to confirm Design Numbers '201900001', '201900002' and '201900003' can be renewed and what the fees to renew will be.

Request) The POST Renew Design endpoint is used with the IPA-Validation-Only header = True to validate the renewal transaction for Design Number '201900001' and confirm fees.

Response) IP Australia returns a response confirming the renewal transaction is valid and total fees required.

Repeat for remaining Design Numbers.

Result) The renewal of Design Numbers '201900001', '201900002' and '201900003' and applicable fees are now confirmed.

Step 4.

"Customer" would like to renew Design Numbers '0000001', '0000002' and '0000003'.

Request) The POST Renew Design endpoint is used with the IPA-Validation-Only header = False to request the renewal of Design Number '201900001'.

Response) IP Australia returns a response confirming the renewal transaction is successful and total fees debited.

Repeat for remaining Design Numbers.

Result) The renewal of Design Numbers '201900001', '201900002' and '201900003' is successful and applicable fees have been debited.

For further information on the IPA-Validation-Only header see Validating Transactions.
